Asus - EeePC900的SSD壞了...... - 筆電討論區- Mobile01 我的epc900(過保)4GB的SSD硬碟(SLC)剛壞現在把XP灌在16G的SSD(MLC)上 速度慢到受 ... EEEPC的等級我是不建議拿太好的SSD來餵他啦.
EeePC 900 升級之路-4 » 一朵烏溜溜的白雲 2010年8月21日 ... 其實原本EeePC 900 搭配的Linux 並不是很好用,主要是因為使用上的習慣不但和 Windows 差很多,連和常見的Linux 桌面系統都 ... 剛剛提到開網頁速度很慢,我猜 可能是EeePC 900 附的磁碟機是SSD 固態硬碟。 ... 更換一張圖片.
16G版EeePC 900: SSD可以送回ASUS更換 - A Blog with no Name 2008年9月28日 ... 前陣子出的新版本EeePC 900 16G-XP寫入速度太慢,但是因為價錢比較便宜還在某 連鎖賣場速促銷,所以在各處都有受害者的苦情... 上週在M01傳 ...
ssd - 露天拍賣-台灣NO.1 拍賣網站 Eee PC 900 901 BenQ U121 DELL MINI9 專用SATA IDE MINI PCI-E SSD固態 ... 全省更換,直營門市,加速您的筆電,代客更換SSD,送防毒軟體. 直購價: 800元.
Asus eeePC 901 16G : upgrading the single SSD 1. Purpose top next section Le problème : Purpose : Asus' eeePC 901 once came with two SSD : one of 4 GB and one of 12GB. Now, my one-year old model [NB this was written on 14/02/2010] is a 16G with a single (and faster) 16 GB SSD. I now want to upgrade .
Asus Eee PC Netbook Corsair SSD Drive and RAM Upgrade/Installation Video - YouTube This video from Corsair Labs illustrates how to upgrade your netbook hard disk and system memory in just a few minutes.
How to Upgrade an Asus EEE PC Hard Drive | eHow The Asus EeePC is a line of netbook computers designed to provide users with basic computing capabilities and Internet access in as small a package as possible. According to ...
install 7 on eee pc 900 - Microsoft Community Is it possible to install Windows 7 Home Premium on an Asus eee pc 900(Celeron M at 900MHz). Memory has to be upgraded to 1 or 2 GHz, but will it install if I change the HDD from 4GB to 8GB (Its a SSD, but XP take up 3.93 of the 4, so it has to be changed
eeepc+ssd更換| 好好搜 上個月因為升級系統而更換SSD,之後因為備份頻繁,另外一顆放置雜物的硬碟也開始 不夠用,所以這週... 16G版EeePC 900: SSD可以送回ASUS更換.~~ YY Mark 幸福 ...
eeepc 900A 更換內地品牌SSD (32GB)(頁1) - NetBook 族群- Eeepc 專區 ... zenchiu 發表於2012-12-20 11:15. eeepc 900A 更換內地品牌SSD (32GB). 好耐 之前腦展買左部900a用到今日,轉左用ubuntu,升級左2GB RAM. 一路都好地地.